Monday, March 25, 2013

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Day 12

Day 12 - How many times, on average, do you find yourself looking at your reflection randomly throughout the day? Why do you think you do that? What do you think would happen if you didn’t do it anymore? Wherever you go today, resist the urge to look into every mirror or window to check out your reflection. If you do happen to do it, keep track of how many times you do it.

I find myself looking at my reflection in the mirror a lot and I am always playing with my hair! It's a little OCD. I try to cut it down because I notice I do it a lot. But it's definitely a habit! Here's what's new just started back in school, it's almost my birthday! Started working out again got a pass to Golds Gym and started a paper route for some extra money.