Dear Sarah,
Today is day 13 on my 30 day challenge and it asks me to write a letter to someone who has hurt me recently which I'd love to write to you. So. Thanks for being that selfish family member who has pushed themselves so far away that they are no longer "family". I've really tried to be there for you as if you were really my family. You don't care about anyone else but yourself. We wanted to be there for you but who wants to be there for someone who treats you like shit? My husband nor I have ever deserved to be treated with such hatred! For you to hate me over your Grandma's ring that was given to me is very sad. I am sure Lois would be so proud of you splitting up the family over her ring. You know she was very close to Shawn as well. How can you feel justified in asking to buy my wedding ring? Why don't you go ask your Mom where she sold the ring that was your Grandmothers and blamed on Shawn's Dad! I'm glad I never gave into you because one day I'll pass her ring on to my little girl who will also cherish it as much as I do!
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