Sunday, February 24, 2013

Day 11

Day 11 - How long after waking up in the morning do you look at yourself in the mirror? Is it the first thing you do? Whenever you do it, try to push it back a little and decrease the time in your morning routine today.

I ,at some point, look at myself in the mirror. It's no big deal I don't sit and do it all day by any means. I get ready that's about it. And it sometimes can be the first thing I do in the morning. I will definitely decrease the time today because its lazy Sunday! :) ❤

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Day 10

Day 10 - Go ahead and look into a mirror right now. What is the first thought you have? If it’s a negative one, replace it with a positive thought. Say it out loud, even if you don’t really believe it. Keep this thought in the back of your mind today and whenever you have a negative thought, replace it with this one.

When I look into the mirror I see someone who is not happy. And this is something I have control over, something I can change, things I can do differently, but instead I'm dwelling on the past, what I didn't do yesterday, instead of what I CAN do today!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Day 9

Day 9 - Write down three reasons why it’s absurd to believe that people who are “more beautiful” or “thinner” are happier.

1) it's absurd because I am skinny and I do not feel more beautiful, I would feel better about myself if I gained 10 lbs!

2) skinny is not more beautiful, what's beautiful about someone looking hungry or starving? Nothing.

3) I could see being over weight as an issue but being skinny is no better than being obese!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Day 8

Day 8 - Take a challenge today. Do one thing you’re usually not comfortable doing. Go out in a bathing suit, don’t wear a full face of make up, get a new haircut, go run an errand in your pajamas, etc. What did you do? How did it feel?

I had a busy day yesterday. I spent the day at JoAnne's house. I got stuff to melt her hair. I bought 3 colors a darker brown a level 6, a medium brown a level 9, and blonde and it turned out really cute! And I did Julie's pedi. I guess you would say I'm not comfortable doing them yet because I'm still learning or rather I feel comfortable just not confident that they are happy with the end results.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Day 7

Day 7 - Find something around you that catches your eye. It could be a flower, a handmade figurine, a painting, etc. What is it? Is it completely perfect? Or does it have little, less noticeable imperfections? Most likely, it has its flaws, yet it’s still amazing and beautiful. Think of yourself in the same way you think of the object.

I am laying next to Saxon it's the morning after Valentines Day. We had a great day too. I spent all day yesterday getting the house clean, the laundry done, dinner cooked, the baby and I showered and ready to go, dressed to impress. I made dinner for us, I cooked chicken cordon blu, red potatoes and Italian dressing on a fresh garden salad. We had cupid's poop for desert. I got a nail stamper that I've been dying to get and finally found one! We got each other something from coach and lots of yummy goodies. Definitely one of the best days together as a family! I love spending this time together. Today we are going to see the cousins and give them their cupid's poop. ❤

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Day 6

Day 6 - Pamper yourself today. Give yourself a facial, a manicure or take a bubble bath. What did you do? How do you feel after doing it? Don’t feel good still? Pamper yourself some more! Today is about YOU!

Well I'm a day late but yesterday wasn't a very good day for me. I was feeling a little depressed. So to cheer me up my husband took us to Park City to go to the coach outlet. And went to dinner. We had a good time!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Day 5

Day 5 - Write three positive affirmations about yourself on three small pieces of paper or index cards. Decorate the cards however you’d like but make them as colorful and as cheerful as possible. Now, tape them on a mirror you look at everyday or anywhere else you’ll see them daily. List your affirmations below or take a photo of your cards and upload them.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Day 4

Day 4 - Name one role model you have. Why do you look up to them? Is it because of their physical appearance or because of their intelligence, motivation, dedication, etc.? Focus on your role model’s inner beauty.

Erin Cornia- she is my role model because I want to be successful like her in the beauty industry! She is amazing at doing hair! She did my hair for my wedding! I grew up with her and we played the violin together in Jr. High. She has worked at Taylor Andrew's teaching, MAC, Lunatic Fringe and now owns her own salon. This is where I see myself in the future! I love everything about her she is smart, beautiful, kind hearted and has good morals. She doesn't talk bad about other people and is just really nice! I admire her. I had a great day with Saxon I tried getting in the shower before he woke up and I hear the door open and Sax walks in saying "Mom" "Mom" it was so cute it made my day! I love him so much! He makes my life complete! ❤ He knows how to give you kisses I love it! He is so smart!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Day 3

Day 3 - Take a moment to write down a “perfect” version of yourself. List qualities, physical attributes, successes, whatever you’d like. Now bold the things you have complete control over and be realistic about this. What can you do to make those bolded items come true? Start slowly working towards them. Don’t expect change over night, let it be gradual and don’t expect perfection. None of us are perfect and that’s perfectly okay.

A perfect version of myself would be someone who doesn't look back, someone with confidence, someone with strength and courage. Someone with good health. Someone who doesn't self medicate. Someone who doesn't care what everyone else thinks. Someone who's happy! These are all things I do have control over, funny because I actually do this to myself, self sabotage, and that's just it. I am done letting others affect me!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Day 2

Day 2 - What are some reasons why your body image may be so important to you? What role does your body image play in your life? What factors have contributed to your negative body image?

I have lost a lot of weight in the last year after having my son, I weigh less than I weighed before he was born! I'm a couple lbs smaller than my high school weight! It's pretty crazy! I'm lucky I guess except I want to gain 10 lbs as soon as possible. I think I am an unattractive weight. I hate being skinny. So, here I am doing a body image challenge to start making some changes and healthy ones if any! I have always been skinny and never had a problem with my weight. I'm trying to gain a little weight to feel sexy again. I enjoyed my curves when I was pregnant and would like to feel that confidence again! I have had a hard stressful year which played a lot in my over all well being and I am working towards an over all balance and seeking nothing but over all health! ❤

Friday, February 8, 2013

21 Day Body Image Challenge

Day 1 - Write as many things you like about yourself as you can. Remember to include things about your personality, your skills, accomplishments, etc.

Hard working
Sweet tooth
...... I'm sure I could think of more.
I am so grateful for my family and my husband! I am truly blessed! ❤

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Day 5

Day Five: One wish you have/One thing you would change about your life.

One wish I have- is to finish school and to own a salon/boutique. I've always loved doing hair and make-up since I was very little. (My mom tells me I use to use her make-up to beautify my teddy bears!) And my new love, nails! 💅 Also, I LOVE fashion and they obviously go hand in hand!

One thing I would change about my life- is that I have let this last year pass me by, by being so caught up in what others think about me. That if I could change one thing about my life it would be my self confidence! I have let other peoples opinions about me change my self worth! I have let people that are not significant in my life take that away from me. And now I am breaking free from this downward spiral. Because, I am worth it!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Day 4

Day Four: Describe two of your favorite memories.

1) The moment my husband and I got back together after our last and final breakup as boyfriend and girlfriend. He held me so tight as I sobbed in his arms. I will never forget that moment! We have been thru a lot but I wouldn't change a thing! He is my best friend! My lover!

2) The first time I saw my newborn son Saxon Paul Park he was in the NICU after I had him via c-section after 12 hours of being in labor. I wouldn't dilate past a 3 even after I was induced. The first thing I noticed when I woke up in the middle of the night after a day of making the boys go costume shopping was some slight spotting which freaked me out since I miscarried before I had Saxon. I called my doctor and he said to try and wait it out until morning. Since I was so worried and scared I got in the shower so I wouldn't keep waking up my husband and that's when my water broke! I yelled for Shawn and he came stumbling in. We weren't ready as I had planned on packing my hospital bag that following weekend. I was kinda freaking out because my contractions started immediately after my water broke. I remember being so scared on the drive to the hospital because I was 5 weeks early! I was so tired and ready for him by that time but I wasn't ready for him to come that early! I had an amazing doctor though, Steven Thackeray, and my scar didn't even ruin my tattoo! :) Grateful for my little man! What a blessing!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Day 3

Day Three: Three of your favorite movies of all time.

1) The Notebook
2) Cars
3) Dirty Dancing

Monday, February 4, 2013

Day 2

Day Two: Four of your favorite songs at the moment.

1) Ellie Goulding "Lights"
2) Justin Bieber "Beauty And A Beat"
3) Britney Spears "Scream and Shout"
4) Bruno Mars "Locked Out of Heaven"

Sunday, February 3, 2013

5 Day Challenge

Day One: Five random facts about yourself.

1) I was ejected from the car in an accident when I was a baby and landed in the intersection and all I got was a little road rash on my elbow.

2) I saved someone's life by driving them to the hospital after they were shot in their chest 5 times!

3) I was stage 3 cervical cancer and since surgery I haven't had a sign of cancer! I got pregnant shortly after and we had an abortion, thinking we weren't ready. Something I regret more than anything! Then we miscarried prior to Saxon, and he was born premature 5 weeks early because my placenta ruptured. He was delivered emergency c-section. Since he was born I've had my period 4 times and he's 15 months old. I am currently trying to gain some weight to hopefully regulate things again since the medication my doctor gave me didn't fix it.

4) I use to play the violin in Jr. High, I was really good at it and loved playing but I wasn't good at reading music. I just knew the finger placements for each note, I could never tell you what note it was that I was playing!

5) I danced in the Nutcracker when I was little. I love dance... you name it! I did it! I can't wait to have a little girl to do the same with!

Saturday, February 2, 2013


It's almost Valentines Day! I'm excited to spend it with the love of my life! My best friend! My everything ❤